Method of Choice for Disphyseal Fracture of Humerus; Closed Intramedullary Interlocking Nail or Functional Brace


  • Adnan Qamar Senior Registrar, Department of Orthopedic, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore
  • Faisal Nadeem Khan Senior Registrar, Department of Radiology, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore
  • Rana Shakil Ahmad Research Associate, Provincial Drug Control, Government of Punjab, Lahore



Intramedullary nailing, functional brace, disphyseal fracture, humerus


Objective: To compare the intramedullary nailing versus functional brace in the cases of disphyseal humeral fractures.
Methodology: This was a descriptive comparative analysis study done Shaikh Zayed Hospital from Jan 2016 to March 2018, Pakistan. 60 cases who were presented with the disphyseal fracture of humerus were enrolled. After random allocation in the two different groups viz functional brace and intramedullary nailing. All the patients irrespective of gender and presented with humerus fracture were added. While all other type of fracture cases was excluded.Each patient was treated standardized by a specialist having somewhere around 5 years of experience after post-graduation. All patients were pursued at third week, sixth week and at 3 months to survey the radiological result according to the radiological sign of union i-e formation of callus on the fracture point.
Results: Both treatment group in this study were same with non-significant difference with respect to age, gender and history of the smoking. But the union was noted in 45% cases in the intramedullary group and 54% in the functional brace group (p-value>0.05).  But it was observed that at the 6th week there was a significant difference with respect to the union in both operative groups. P-value of the union at 6th week was <0.05 shows that difference is significant.
Conclusion: Functional brace method is more effective for the union of the disphyseal humerus fractures






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